Department for Transports director of local transport Stephen Fidler OBE has taken over from Graham Pendlebury as Chair of the UK Roads Liaison Group.
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Department for Transport’s director of local transport Stephen Fidler OBE has taken over from Graham Pendlebury as Chair of the UK Roads Liaison Group.
Stephen has also been appointed by DfT Ministers as the next UK First Delegate to the World Road Association (PIARC).
Regarding his appointment as UKRLG Chair, Stephen said: “It’s a real privilege to return to work on local transport, with virtually every journey – for pedestrians, cyclists, cars and by bus – starting and ending on the local road network. Given the challenges and opportunities, we are facing – from climate change to autonomous vehicles – how DfT, the devolved administrations, local government and the supply chain work together has never been more important. UKRLG and its boards have a vital role to play in sharing innovations and good practice from across the country, and beyond.” |
Photo: Stephen Fidler OBE |
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