Placing a value on keeping road bridges in good order

18th Oct 2019

Finishing touches are being made to a new decision support tool for bridges to help asset managers assess risk and direct funds more effectively.

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Beta testing has been completed for a new Structures Asset Valuation & Investment decision support tool, which is set to be released in the next couple of months ready for a Whole of Government accounts process starting next April.

The software builds upon an original Structures Asset Management Planning Toolkit published several years ago by the Department for Transport and The Chartered Institute of Public Finance &

Accountancy to help local authorities manage their assets.

UK Bridges Board and Bridge Owners Forum member Keith Harwood, who is behind the new tool says: “The previous toolkit was a proof of concept as to how you could do both asset management planning and valuation required as part of the Whole of Government Accounts.

“It was published in such way to allow software developers to evolve bridge asset database products to include decision support functionality,” adds Keith, who is Hertfordshire County

To read the full article:  

Transportation Professional - October 2019

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