Well-managed highway infrastructure' supersedes the previous Codes 'Well-maintained Highways', 'Well-lit Highways' and 'Management of Highway Structures'. This was published on 28 October 2016. UKRLG seeks views on this now (January 2023)
The UK Roads Board is conducting a survey on the Code of Practice to identify any future requirements. The Well-Managed Highway Infrastructure Code of Practice was published in October 2016, which included a section on Highways (Part B). This survey seeks to collect views on the content in the current Code of Practice and identify any requirements for updates
We want your views - Survey on Code of Practice Well-Managed Highway Infrastructure – Structures - The UK Bridges Board is conducting a survey on the Code of Practice to identify any future requirements. The Well-Managed Highway Infrastructure Code of Practice was published in October 2016, which included a section on Structures (Part C). This survey seeks to collect views on the content in the current Code of Practice and identify any requirements for updates
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