Exploring the future scope of road condition surveying - latest in Transportation Professional

16th Mar 2020

Emerging technologies used to gather asset data and the sharing of recent experiences from sites promise to help authorities improve highway condition

Exploring the future scope of road condition surveying - latest in Transportation Professional

‘Disruption’ is a common word when applied to business: just consider how Amazon changed retail and how both Uber and Tesla have entered – and could further disrupt – the car industry.

The same is happening in the roads sector, in terms of the data available to highway authorities to understand the condition of their networks.

Recent years have seen advances in video capture technology, big data and more accurate depreciation software that have shown a potential to drive benefits to local highway authorities.

Machine learning applications are also supporting decision making and showing impressive results. An artificial intelligence system developed by Google, for example, was found to be more accurate in detecting breast cancer than human radiologists.

Surely the time is right for the highways sector to start taking advantage of such developments and apply them to the process for collecting and analysing data from roads and associated infrastructure that make up our highway network.

To read the article:   

Transportation Professional - March 2020

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