New guidance has been released on Local Highways Safe Operating Procedures.
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This guidance is based upon the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) Site operating procedures Version 3 published on 14th April 2020 and has been adapted for the highways sector, where appropriate.
These are exceptional circumstances and the industry must comply with the latest Government advice on Coronavirus (Covid-19) at all times.
These Local Highways Safe Operating Procedures (SOP) are based on current Public Health England (PHE) guidance; other restrictions and advice may apply in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland which must be followed if working in these areas.
Where workers enter people’s homes, they should follow the PHE guidance on Tradespeople and work in people’s homes.
The HSE is the relevant enforcing authority for PHE guidelines. If a depot or site is not consistently implementing the measures set out by PHE, it may be subject to enforcement action.
For further guidance, please refer to HSE COVID-19 web page HSE COVID-19 Latest Advice
Note: COVID-19 has been classified as a Notifiable Disease under RIDDOR
A full version is available:
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