Be willing to engage openly says UK roads ambassador - latest in Transportation Professional

15th Jul 2019

Graham Pendlebury the recently retired local transport director at the Department for Transport is focused on helping to strengthen the UK's ties with international partners.

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As the UK looks to forge new relationships in a post-Brexit world it is interesting who the Department for Transport has chosen to help build these networks.

Graham Pendlebury, who until the end of May was director of local transport at DfT, is now working part-time to focus on the UK’s presence at the World Road Congress in Abu Dhabi later this year.
This comes two years after he was appointed senior Government official (UK First Delegate) to represent the UK at the World Road Association (also known as PIARC).
It was an astute choice to elect Graham to take over from former First Delegate Roy Brannen (now chief executive of Transport Scotland) and his openness to engage with others and listen has strengthened the UK’s international presence.


To read the full article:  

Transportation Professional Jul - Aug 2019

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